When the Worst Thing Happens

 When the Worst Thing Happens

Lucinda Secrest McDowell


Mike McDowell age 32.

What does a 34-year-old man do when he hears these two phrases only days apart: “Congratulations, you have a baby daughter!” and “I’m so sorry to tell you that your wife has liver cancer?”

He makes a choice to move forward into each new day, trusting in God’s strength and seeking to fulfill his calling as loving husband and father.

He perseveres.

At least that’s the way my husband, Michael McDowell, faced life when he and his first wife, Inka, were confronted with the unthinkable as a young couple.

In the Bible we are told to “persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.”  (Hebrews 10.36)  But what if the will of God involves walking through the suffering of someone you love? Holding your family together while juggling work, childcare, medical appointments and household; all the while watching the love of your life grow weaker, cancer diminishing her vibrant young life?

“At first the whole thing was surreal,” Mike recalls. “I remember standing in the kitchen on the telephone, absolutely stunned and speechless, hearing the doctor’s prognosis that was about to turn our lives upside down. Yet, through much help, we sought treatment and surgery for Inka, cared for the three kids and felt hopeful that the cancer was completely eradicated.

“By the end of the year we were all devastated when the cancer returned with a vengeance.”

One thing that helped Mike keep going was the example of his own parents who had survived the death of their seven-year-old son Greg, battled financial hardship, and struggled with their own medical challenges. “I learned at an early age to never give up. And my whole ministry at the time – InterVarsity outreach to college students which required raising support each month – taught me that God could be trusted to provide, no matter what the circumstances.”

As Inka’s condition worsened, she wanted to be near her family in the Netherlands, so Mike transferred there and moved everyone into a Dutch flat, never realizing he would be a widower within the month. He remained there, learned the language and kept his two sons and daughter well cared for an additional two years before returning to the States.

He recently shared how he was able to persevere through so many hard times. “I cannot imagine going through the life I’ve lived without a solid sense of God’s presence, love and care for me at all times. Three ways I experienced this:

  1. The body of Christ ‘held up my arms’ like Aaron did for Moses in the Bible. When I was too tired or perplexed to handle a situation I would often find someone else quietly cleaning our home, or (in a most generous surprise) anonymously providing a final family trip for all of us to Hawaii. I still meet people who remember praying for Inka back in the 1980s – those prayers sustained us.”
  2. I found that in the midst of horrific change, God never changes. One way this sustained me was through my own spiritual disciplines of prayer, worship, the sacraments, and Bible reading. Those are the touchstones not only for my life, but for the lives of countless saints through the ages. There’s a reason we commit God’s Word to memory in the good times – so that it can be remembered in the bad times, and bring hope.”
  3. Lastly, in order to persevere, I simply learned to take the next step.”

“We cannot survive on our feelings. Many times I didn’t feel like getting up to change my daughter’s diaper or bike the boys to school, but actually those very ordinary routines were what kept me going. Yes, it’s hard to be a single parent, but knowing those precious lives depend on you is a great boost to focus beyond your own pain,” Mike concluded.

What situation has interrupted your life recently? What was your very first reaction? Run? Pray? Scream? Confide in a close friend? But what did you actually do? Take some time today and examine your own strategy for choosing to persevere through tough times.

I want to honor my husband, Michael McDowell, who has modeled perseverance for family and many others his entire life. Life continues to confront us all with the choice to give up or keep going.

Will we persevere?

under the mercy, Lucinda

NOTE: Just to fill in some blanks, in case you are puzzled. When I married Mike 35 years ago, he was a widower with 3 small children. I went through the court process in Seattle and adopted Justin, Timothy and Fiona as my own —  both in my heart and legally. However, we have stayed in close touch with all of his late wife Inka’s family in the Netherlands and many of them joined us for our two daughters’ weddings recently. God is faithful.  ~ Excerpted from Day 13 in “Live These Words” by Lucinda Secrest McDowell

“Helping You Choose a Life of Serenity and Strength”

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©2019 Lucinda Secrest McDowell        www.EncouragingWords.net 

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About Lucinda Secrest McDowell

Storyteller ~ Author ~ Speaker ~ Friend "Helping You Choose a Life of Serenity & Strength" www.LucindaSecrestMcDowell.com
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10 Responses to When the Worst Thing Happens

  1. Cathy Gohlke says:

    What a blessing. What an inspiration and good reminder! Thank you, Lucinda and Mike for all that you are, all that you’ve been and all that you continue to do to bring honor to our Father in Heaven.

  2. jeannedennis816364944 says:


    I really enjoyed reading your post today. What a wonderful man your husband must be!

    Hope to see you at AWSA or another conference sometime.

    Love and hugs,

    Jeanne Dennis

    Sent from my iPhone


  3. What a beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness and grace! Mike’s story is an encouragement to persevere.

  4. juliezcoleman says:

    Beautiful, Lucinda. And how wonderful that God can take a terrible tragedy and use it for His glory! This gives hope to all of us.

  5. Beautiful words of encouragement. I’m sitting here listing to Dorian’s tragic path – watched as it was coming right at us and breathed a sigh of relief when it turned. Now I’m praying for those in the Carolinas. Needed to be reminded the weather changes but God does not.

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